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2017.12英语四级真题仔细阅读第二篇答案及解析   2017年12月大学英语四级考试刚刚结束,同学们一定很想知道答案,文都教育及时提供了英语四级真题答案和解析,供考生参考。仔细阅读Passage two 讲述了女性处理工作冲突的方式给自身的健康和职业带来的负面影响,以下是英语四级真题中仔细阅读Passage two的参考答案和解析。


  Passage two

  51.答案 D)   They tend to push themselves beyond the limits of their ability

  52.答案 A)   They struggle to satisfy the demands of both work and home

  53.答案 A)   Their unwillingness to say “no”

  54.答案 C)   men tend to put their personal interests first

  55.答案 B)   The ability to delegate


  51.  解析:从原文段原句, “Being overworked and over-committed at home and on the job will not get you where you want to be in life”,可以看出女性的问题是把自己推向了能力的极限,因此D选项是正确答案。

  52. 解析:从原文第三段中原句 “Women want to be able to do it all”,可以看出女性想要应付所有的事情,因此选项A是正确选项。

  53. 解析:从原文第四段中原句“Unfortunately, this inability to say “no” may be hurting women’s health as well as their career”,可以看出这种不能说“不”的特点伤害了女性的健康和职业,因此选项A是正确选项。

  54. 解析:从原文第五段中原句“Men are more likely to face that dispute from the perspective of what benefits them first.”,可以看出男性更可能从对自己有利的角度来面对冲突,因此选项C正确选项。

  55. 解析:从原文第六段中原句“Leaders have to be able to delegate and manage resource resources wisely”,可以看出领导者必须能够委派和管理资源,因此选项B是正确选项。
